A Year Later & You're Still Here

Well, you did it. You survived a year in a worldwide pandemic. It sounds morbid, and it is true.

In addition to surviving grief and loss, it is important to pause for a moment and acknowledge what it is about YOU that helped to not only get you through but to help you thrive on the highs and float along in the lows.

What is it about YOU that has Risen Up that you didn’t even realize you had within you?

Some ideas for you:

Your giving heart.
Your resiliency.
Your adaptability.
Your positivity.
Your intellect.
Your empathy.
Your strength.
Your humor.
Your love of reading and learning.
Your sense of adventure.
Your knack for having a good time.

You are a really special, unique person. Some of your gifts rose up this year, and some may feel dormant or repurposed. Regardless, your Light is still there, bright as ever. As grateful as you are for your people, I promise, they are all so, so grateful for you. My hope today and this week is that you allow yourself to recognize and be grateful for YOU. I hope that you will receive all the love that you give into your heart 100-fold.

With Love & Unending Courage,

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