Blades of Grass and Standing for Love

Years ago one of my kids was being excluded and kids that were supposed to be his friends and teammates were saying things to him that were devastatingly painful. The mama bear in me ROSE up and I wanted to fight - ready to call the parents and the principal. My husband would continuously say, “Don’t get in the weeds.” In other words, don’t do that. It won’t fix it. At the time, I wanted to punch him in the face. Looking back, he was giving me infinite wisdom that I use with my clients on a regular basis.

The movie, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids provides the perfect visual. There are so many times in our lives where we can feel super tiny and that that one thing (or everything) in our lives feels like giant blades of grass, or worse, we can feel like a car-sized killer ant is coming after us. We struggle with the overwhelm of the blades of grass and our bodies have visceral reactions, as if we are in real danger. We can feel stuck, feeling like it is all insurmountable, feeling like a victim to it all, just hoping for someone to find us with his hovering device and giant magnifying glass.

When we find that we are feeling this way about any circumstance in our life, the invitation is to stop. Breathe. Remember, you are not tiny and you are not down in the grass.

I invite you to take the Higher Level perspective: Stop arguing with the grass or trying to figure out why you are down there. Stand up. Imagine that you are standing on that grass. See the whole yard. Go to the 10,000 foot view where you can barely even see a patch of green. I want to remind you to take the long view of life. When I am at the end of my life, and I look back at this, will I even remember? What choice do I want to make that I’ll feel proud of when I look back (assuming that I remember)?

So often we are asking the wrong questions - the ones that we don’t have answers to and leave us feeling teeny tiny, disempowered, and victim to our circumstances. They begin with why and how. Why did this happen to me? Why does it have to be this way? Why are people the way that they are? Why…? Or How will I get out? How will I fix this? How will they change? How do we turn the ship around? How….? If you knew how, you wouldn’t ask. Tiny, down in the grass.

You are a resourceful, capable, whole being. Your life, the life you are meant to live, the one that is right there, beckoning for you to step fully in, is way bigger than bumping around in those blades of grass. You are not responsible for pulling others out of the grass, for understanding why they see it the way that they do, and I can promise you that you are not meant to give your energy to the other tiny people. Stop fighting against the blades, the people, the opinions of others or your circumstances. Stand up. Embody your gifts and inherent values and stand FOR yourself and what matters most to you.

Freedom lies in every single choice we make. This week, I have a choice: Am I going to live my life fighting against the blades of grass or fighting FOR who I am and my inherent values? I’ve made my choice. I’m standing firmly on my field of grass. I’m standing for Love.

If you are tired of feeling like life's circumstances have you down in the blades of grass, if you are ready to create positive shifts and live life from the higher perspective with more freedom, joy and enthusiasm, I am currently accepting new 1:1 clients. Schedule a complimentary 1-hour Courage Session today to explore how I can help you begin to thrive now.

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 Celebrating YOU,

Jill Keuth | Life Coach
Be Courageously You

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