Elevating Your Vibe in 2021

High Vibe

I have a hunch that your heart is deeply desiring to feel any number of the feelings above.

Everything you want to accomplish, to do, to experience this year is on your list and on your mind because underneath all of it, underneath all of those goals is a desire. A desire to feel something different, better. Something new. Do you want more energy? Do you want to be living your days with an elevated vibe? Would you love to feel some enthusiasm again? Maybe you want to feel happy, joyful, inspired? Maybe you want to feel peace. Perhaps a sense of agency, balance, empowerment? Perhaps it’s carefree that’s calling most.

If you keep focusing on the list and the getting things done and the goals so you can finally feel those things, you’ll be waiting and waiting and waiting. Time is UP! The old way isn’t working. Am I wrong?

I find this week, the in-between of last year and this new one, to be a bit wonky in the best of times. It’s chock full of high-level expectations that we put on ourselves and others, that we put on our lives. Expectations that suddenly things will be different, that we will be different. And then we realize circumstances and our sense of ourselves are about the same they were two weeks ago.

In addition to the annual weirdness of the expectations, this past week was tough, to say the least. I attract empathic, high achievers to my circle. This means that we feel a lot and we want to solve things so we don’t have to feel the hard feelings. When there is so much that is out of our control, and we can’t change or fix things, there’s nowhere for all the feelings to go. And we have to feel them. This has caused many of us to feel heavy, tired, and disconnected from ourselves.

What can we do to keep moving forward in our lives, in new ways, that support us and our dreams and goals and purposes? How can we stay connected to ourselves, when our outer circumstances are challenging? I’m so glad that you asked because it is time for us to step into this new space.

This is an invitation. It’s time. 2020 taught us that it is time to live our lives in a new way. To step up and stand up for YOU, your values, how you desire to feel, and who you are becoming!

Here we are in 2021, and if you are still feeling uncertain and without a center, I invite you to visit the replay of a video I posted last week about finding your word for the year (hint: it is a feeling word). Resolutions can be challenging and get us focused on “shoulding.” And here’s the problem with the whole “word of the year” thing - without guidance, most people choose a word that is dependent on you doing something (for example: committed or intentional) or worse, the word can be dependent on someone else doing (i.e. appreciated or valued) and then you’ve given your agency over to someone else. I don’t want you choosing a word that keeps you further striving for a renewed feeling.

You are worthy to feel the way that you desire to feel right now. There’s nothing you have to do to earn the good feelings.

If you want to live your life this year in a new way, with enthusiasm and joy and confidence, TRUST ME! Ditch the whole outer focus on the doing and how well you do it. Decide to live inside out and then watch your output increase two-fold! Want to manifest your goals and dreams, manifest how you desire to feel within you and your entire being every.single.day!

In my video that I’m sharing here, I’ll walk you through the entire process. This is GOLD! You have time to make this happen. Find it, create it. Together, we’re going to tap into your Innate Wisdom to find that FEELING that you are deeply desiring to feel, and I’ll walk you through what to do from there.

Discover Your Word of the Year - From Your Wisdom!

It’s brutal to start our day from expectations, fear, and the doing place. It lowers our vibe and makes it 10 times harder to get ourselves motivated and to find the courage to do the things we most want to do!

We all have a unique space and way of developing our conscious awareness. Focusing on a way to BE in 2021 can magnetically pull us forward to who we are becoming and how we want to feel. When we’re connected to the energy of how we want to feel, we can always come back to that even when times are uncertain. There we find hope for what’s possible for us and society, and we find agency in our own lives - to choose how we want to be, no matter the circumstances.

I’m sending you love this week, wherever you are, whatever you’re navigating.

Cheering You On,

Jill Keuth | Life Coach
Be Courageously You
P.S. If you are ready to ignite what is possible for you in 2021, join the Courage Connection. It’s a powerful group program over 6 months that will change your life. Learn more about it here.

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