I Don't Have Time for This

Last week I did a number on my neck, shoulder and back by - wait for it - reaching for my phone in the wee hours of the morning. I sat up in my bed at 4:08 am knowing that this was going to be a doozy. And it has been. For one week and counting, I’m experiencing high levels of nerve pain shooting from my neck down between my shoulder blades and occasionally down my arm.

I keep thinking: I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.

I don’t have time for this pain. I don’t have time to rest. I don’t have time for a massage. I don’t have time to go to the doctor or the physical therapist or the chiropractor. This is a super unplanned, highly inconvenient situation and I need to control it to just go away so that I can get back to what I need to do.

Let me be clear. I’m truly suffering. I’m in immense pain. I’m really struggling. And my primary thoughts are about my lack of time, my long to-do list, and my need to control my circumstances.

It astounds me that no matter how conscious I am and how much work I do to rewire my brain, I can still have such strong sentiments of not slowing down to take care of myself and put everything before my own pain. Sound familiar?

This week begins my three-week series, “Stop Waiting, Start Thriving.” I’m REALLY excited about offering this to you and my entire community for the investment of your time for yourself! I hope you will join! (Visit this link!) It takes courage to take time to do something for you. I’m living that out this week with trips to the doctor, pharmacy, and massage therapist.

After a year of us being forced to accept our unforeseen circumstances and adapt to a new reality, life is picking back up again. While time is seemingly speeding back up, we are still in some alternate reality between enjoying a different pace and different way and feeling like we have to get back on the saddle, perform, achieve, be perfect. I’m hearing more about weight and body image woes than ever before. I’ve lost count of how many times lately I’ve heard a woman say, “I don’t know what is wrong with me, why can’t I just…..?”

Because my friends, we are in a transformation of epic proportions. We are changed - forever. And we are unsure how to live our lives from this new place. Now more than ever, we have to connect and rediscover who we really are so that we can become who we are meant to be — Human BE-ings living a life of joy, purpose, empowerment, enthusiasm, and freedom.

To thrive means to grow vigorously, to flourish and to prosper, be fortunate or successful.

The word denotes external evaluation of progress and result. There’s seemingly a measurement and judgment to it - is she thriving in her life, career, as a mother, in her marriage? Anytime I’m near the measuring stick, I contract. The truth is, for a living being to thrive, part of thriving requires rest or times of dormancy. The tree in the middle of winter isn’t dead. It is thriving beautifully in her cycle.

I look at everything in my life as an invitation for growth. This nerve pain isn’t happening to me; it is happening to bring me a taste of my own darn medicine. Again. I trust that it is totally ok, more than ok; actually freaking amazing that I am in a pull-back time of dormancy or metamorphosis. In this space I am readying to sprout new wings, to gain more courage, to become more of who I am meant to be. And this same is true for you.

Don’t wait for another forced catalyst to bring you your lesson. Join my June workshop! You are thriving NOW. You just need a little reminder, a re-ignition of who you are and all that you offer to the world. Take a tiny bit of time for YOU in June, and let’s spark joy together!

Stop Waiting, Start Thriving Details:

We’ll meet for three consecutive Mondays live for one hour in a Zoom room together where I’ll walk you through the week’s workbook (it’s more of a “play”book) and lesson. You’ll receive Heartwork each week, too, so you can continue your learning and transformation.

We’ll send out the replays each week, so there’s no on-vacation or “too busy” excuse to keep you from benefiting with us.

You’ll also have access to a pop-up Facebook group where you’ll receive support from me and the rest of the community. Who knows! You may find your new bestie there while you’re at it!

Sign up here.

With Courage & Compassion,

P.s. If you are reading this after we have started, it’s not too late, I promise! Join now!

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