I Told You

If I told you that you are amazing, would you believe me?

If I told you that you have a Light inside you that is so special, so unique, so one-of-a kind, would you believe me?

If I told you that you are a Goddess, would you believe me?

If I told you that you are gorgeous, would you believe me?

If I told you that everything you desire is already within you, would you believe me?

If I told you that you look hot in that outfit, would you believe me?

If I told you that you are so talented, would you believe me?

If I told you that you have superpowers, would you believe me?

If I told you that you were interesting, would you believe me?

If I told you that you are a winner, would you believe me?

If I told you that you are so, so, so deeply loved and adored, would you believe me?

...and if you did, if you believed me, what could be possible for you and your life?

Are you tired of waiting to feel alive and excited and enthusiastic about yourself, about your life?

Me, too.

Let’s recapture that excitement together!

I would LOVE for you to join me for a mini-online lunchtime workshop on the first three Mondays of the June to recapture your inner goddess, inner rockstar, inner comedian, inner...whatever! I’ve got more details coming soon. If this sounds like a lot of fun, just hit Reply and I’ll make sure you’re on the list to get all the details as soon as they drop!

With love and lots of play,

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