If your life feels off kilter right now, you are not alone

If you are experiencing a rumbling in your life right now, there is a calling within the struggle, the overwhelm and even in the pain. You are not alone. There is an undercurrent happening and it looks different for each of us. If we don’t head the call, life has a funny/not-so-funny way of forcing us to shift.

This video doesn’t speak to this per se. And it totally does. Women, we are being called to create our own tables. In my work, I know first hand that the calling can only be heard and headed when you are fully aware of who you are and connected to your higher self. THAT is the calling….from there we find out how we best serve: our families, our communities, maybe even the world at large.

I hear all the time at the onset: “I’m not ready. I’m scared”. Working with me isn’t scary, it is freeing. Most common words for how a client feels working with me, “free, lighter, and empowered.” What changes for every client regardless of their age, marital status, career or work status? A True connection to self, confidence, and belief in who she is, and the ability to hear or sense the voice of her Higher Power within.

What does this have to do with the message in the video? There’s a rumbling happening. I’m seeing a common thread, and I want each of you to know that if your life feels off-kilter right now, you are not alone. And if there’s a tinge or a nudge for you to take some kind of action like saying “yes” to a job or a volunteer opportunity or a nudge to donate, or a nudge to create, or a nudge to write a letter, or a nudge to explore coaching with me, or a nudge to seek counseling, or a nudge to leave something… if there’s a nudge, it matters. And if there’s an upheaval of some kind in your life right now, get curious: is there a nudge you have been ignoring????? Is there a message that you haven’t been paying attention to. It may be time to create your own table…whatever that means and looks like for you is deeply personally your’s.

Open your eyes and your hearts. Say yes to the nudge. At 11 Meghan Markle did. She wrote a letter and the impact matters still today! 🌟

I see you. I feel you. You are not alone. You make a difference in your world. Our world. Please say “yes” to YOU. That’s what saying “yes” to the nudge is. It’s an honoring. You are worthy of honoring YOU. Promise! ❤️

Watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/aplusapp/videos/1812103618860566/

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