It's Time to Thank YOU!

I recently invited the women in my coaching group, The Courage Connection, to reflect on everything they have done over the past couple of months. As our world has opened back up and our days are filling up, and time feels like it is speeding up, what all have you done? What have you planned, completed, made happen? What have you arranged, organized, pulled together?  What have you prepared, hosted, taken pleasure in?

Be sure to acknowledge yourself for all the little things, too.

What have you purchased, cleaned, put away?

And now, how about the emotional processing. What feelings have you felt, worries have crept up, what anxious moments have presented?  Who have you been there for, listened to, helped soothe? Oh, and what about all the decisions? The self-talk, the self-doubt, the moments of feeling unsure?

Really take it alllll in - ALL YOU HAVE DONE, FELT, NAVIGATED in these past 60-120 days.
Whoa. Right?
Now watch this:

Will you please take some credit for your life?  Will you stop for just a sec and thank yourself for working so hard, creating the fun, planning the vacation, having the courageous conversation, keeping food in the fridge, doing hard things, caring so damn much. Whatever – Thank yourself!

Take a cue from Snoop: Thank you for believing in you. Thank you for doing all this hard work. Thank you for no days off. (That’s right. You have no days off from living this life.) Thank you for never quitting. Thank you for always giving more than you receive. Thank you for being YOU at all times! You, too, are a badass motherfucker. (Sorry, not sorry).  You really, really are. Yes, YOU.

Thank YOU for being part of my Courage Circle. I thank me for creating this weekly message. I see you showing up and reading these words and trying them on.  I hope you’ll thank you for doing so, too.

Thank YOU,

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