Outcomes Realized Even When Expectations Fall Apart

At the beginning of this year, I started a fresh journal. My first written words in 2020: I am here. I am open. I am willing. I am grateful. I am excited. Let’s do this! There is so much I want to put out into the world, so much change I want to help affect, and so many aspects of my life that I want to uplevel. While I have intentions for massive expansion, my systems don’t support this. Truth is, everything I’m desiring lies on the other side of compounded daily habits.

And then, I go on to list what I’m desiring in my work, in my home, for my body, for my health, and more. All the changes, the upleveling, creating habits, all of it is with the purpose to feel free and expansive. What I desire requires systems that I don’t currently have set up. It’s time to set up and create supportive systems.

And this next line is a key aspect of empowerment and intention:

I invite the mentors, the teachers, and the guides who will help me along the way.

This time last year, I didn’t have systemized social media posts, therefore, I wasn’t creating a consistent presence. I wasn’t sending out these Sunday Wisdom and Encouragement messages (which I’m loving by the way, and hope you are too!). I was so ready for the professionalism and the excellence of my work on the inside, the work I do with clients one-on-one and in groups to be reflected in the professionalism and the consistency of what I was putting out on the outside.

My year started out like most. Life was happening. Good things and difficult day-to-day life stuff that I was navigating, as we all do. I don’t recall what exactly I was doing regarding habits and systems - no big, massive movement to report.

Then March came. On March 16th, after pages and pages of me writing out what had transpired over the last week, and weeks leading up to this day, my journal entry reads:

The uncertainty is massive.

How long will this go on? What are the economic repercussions? What does it mean for our country and the world? When will this end? When will we get back to normal? Or will there be a new normal? The truth is, I have zero answers to any of the above questions. What I can control are my own mindset, energy, and actions.

Here it was. The moment in my life when I realized that I am an expert at how to navigate massive fear and uncertainty. In the six years that I have been a coach - and most definitely the 39 proceeding those - when a life-changing catalyst of uncertainty and disorientation befell me, I would look outside of myself for guidance and direction. Not this time. For ten solid years, I have been a student and a teacher of personal development, spiritual psychology, and coaching.

When asked over the years if coaching means that I help people get their lives in order, I chuckle and reply, “No. I help people feel certainty within themselves when life is seemingly not in order around them.” This is my genius. Guiding you to your place of certainty when the people or life around you isn’t going according to your plans. Life has a real funny way of shaking us out of our “plans” and inviting us into possibilities we can’t even dream up for ourselves.

And that was the day that I made the decision. I activated everything that I know to be true about my purpose as a coach and turned it all inward. It was time to be Courageously ME in all the ways. To stop holding back and to stop playing small. Here’s what I know to be TRUE:

In the midst of external uncertainty, we have to go within and connect with who we are, how we desire to feel, and be led by our internal guidance to our own sense of certainty. We must be so aligned with our core values and trust so completely in our ok-ness that we know we will be ok - no matter what.

We can only do this IF we know who we are, IF we know our core values, IF we are super connected to how we desire to feel. That is where my work as a coach comes in. This is what I do.

So all of my desires for creating systems and changing my habits in January were ignited in March! That’s when I really turned up that volume and started to create some pretty strong habits within myself that ultimately led to massive changes.

Fast-forward to today. I have a marketing director. I have an virtual executive assistant. I now have a weekly Wisdom and Encouragement note that lands in your inbox. I have consistency in my posts, and I have systems on my business’s back end that make it easier to do my job and serve you.

On top of this support in my business, I have a team of coaches and mentors that I hired to help me around my own uplevel and into my potentiality. I have created habits that have impacted me personally. I completed the #75Hard Challenge proving to myself that I can accomplish hard things outside of my comfort zone through daily, focused actions. While losing 25 pounds is a really awesome result, it was more about how the daily actions massively elevated my energy. And what I’m most proud of this year is starting an anti-racist book club and all that that has brought to my life. (I will write more about this at some point. Perhaps the biggest upleveling in my own conscious awareness and personal growth will forever be attributed to my reading, learning, and Zoom discussions around all that I didn’t know or wasn’t willing to see in relation to my white privilege.)

The truth is we will never keep uncertainty at bay. It is a required part of our human journey, the aspects that create those catalysts for us to fully actualize who we are and why we are here. We will lose loved ones, friends, jobs, and best-laid-plans.

What if you could cultivate your own internal sense of certainty and activate your deeply desired feelings over the next year? I can feel it! It’s time for you to make the decision to shift things in your life. You don’t have to do anything as extreme as #75Hard or hire a team for your business. It is time for you to invest in yourself, though. It’s time to recommit to yourself as we move into 2021. We don’t know what the future holds and what if that can be just as exciting, as it can seem daunting? I know that it is and I’m ready to show you the way.

If you’re ready to get started, I invite you to join me in my signature Courage Connection group program. We start January 12th and it’s your chance to reframe your personal story, to stop fighting against things, and start fight FOR something...for yourself.

Learn More Here

Supporting You On Your Journey,

Jill Keuth | Life Coach
Be Courageously You

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