Reflections on Mother's Day

When my first child was born, the expansiveness of my heart blew me away. It was like I’d been cracked open in ways that I can’t even express. Every emotion flooded through me, from love beyond measure to crippling fear. When my second child was born, the infinite love for my son remained, and an entirely new level of infinity rose up inside of me.

Love beyond measure, beyond comprehension.

As we have moved into the teenage years with both kids, I know more than ever that love isn’t always easy. Being a mom is complicated. Having one is, too.

My mom came to visit us a few weeks ago on her first trip since being vaccinated. I am so acutely aware of how our patterns are repeating themselves, even when I swore they wouldn’t. It was such a gift for my mom to love me so much, as only a mother can, that she could see it all playing out. My daughter and I are repeating what she and I have played out for years.

My mom didn’t say, “I told you so” or “now you know how I feel.” She reminded me of the most important lesson, one that I remind my clients of on a daily basis: What I know to be true is that there is love there. So much love.

At the end of the day, at the end of it all, the only thing that is True, right there at the heart of it all is the immense, infinite, immeasurable love.

When I take away the teenager anger and my own reactions to it, when I take away the tears and frustrations between wanting the best for my children and them feeling like I am controlling them, when I make mistakes or when I don’t, and either way it’s all my fault - when I remove all of the cliché that is so present - what is left? Infinite Love.

I know this isn’t the case for everyone. I recognize that we all have different experiences with our mothers. Perhaps yours is the living definition of Infinite Love, perhaps not.

As we head into this week leading up to Mother’s Day, let us not forget to connect to the Truest of Love - no matter what form it may take. After all, that is what God is - Love. Pure, Divine Love. Divine Love doesn’t require reciprocation or respect or a thank you. True love exists. Free of expectation. True love just Is. As a mother, this is my mission. To heal myself, to be able to see my blindspots, to release expectations, to not demand that my kids be something other than exactly who they are.

It is not easy to be a mother. It is effortless to love.

Not all mothers are capable of this type of love because of their own unhealed wounding. If you felt less than loved by your own mother (biological, adopted, or step), I am sending you infinite Love right now, from my soul to yours. I hope that you are engaged in meaningful healing to learn to love yourself so immensely, to allow Divine love into your being each and every day. To join the big club of learning how to Mother and ultimately love yourself.

Here’s to Love, my friends. In all of its complications and messiness. Ultimately to the Truth, Love IS.



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