Twinkle Lights and Miracles

One of my all-time favorite song lyrics is inspired by Garth Brooks, She’s Every Woman, written by Garth Brooks and Victoria Shaw:

She's so New York and then L.A.
And every town along the way
She's every place that I've never been
She's making love on rainy nights
She's a stroll through Christmas lights
And she's everything I want to do again.

Thing is, I’m terrible with lyrics. SO, I always sing it as, “She is the glow of the Christmas lights.” Rather than describing his woman as that magical walk through the lights (the doing of it), I always interpreted the lyric as him saying that her essence IS the twinkle lights (the being of it).
December’s holidays are celebrations of miracles. Whether you are of the Jewish faith or Christian faith or one of the other Wisdom traditions or not even religious at all, the stories of the December holidays celebrate miraculous events.

Just like I used to wish someone would think of me as the glow of the Christmas lights, I used to think that miracles were something only told in thousand-year-old stories or in a children’s fable, but not really possible in 21st Century life. That thinking didn’t really do much for me. It didn’t move any needles, it didn’t light me up, it didn’t shift me or nudge me forward. That kind of thinking over time just disconnected me more and more from myself.

I used to live my life based on a singular plane of awareness, I call this plane, the “doing-life”. This is where we evaluate who we are based on externally motivated questions: What do I do (or not do)? and How well did I do it measured against others doing the same thing?

It is living the “do-ing life” that takes us away from who we really are and leaves us asking, “Am I good enough? Did I do it right, better, best?” It’s the constant outer evaluation of everything from our bodies and what we eat, to the organization of our time and our things, to how we do our work, parent, lead, friend, relate. How we do housework, or not. How we dress, decorate, what we drive. How we smile and how nice we behave. How we do the holidays. And on and on and on and on.

Did you know that every thought you have is made up? I find it fascinating - and a total bummer - that neuroscientists now know that we humans have upwards of 80,000 thoughts per day and 75% or more are self-critical. With our conditioned paradigm of evaluating ourselves from the “doing place”, living most of our days in the negative “not enough” thinking place, it is no wonder that we often run on a low, disempowered vibe.

When I discovered that there is another way, how I felt about myself and my life started to shift in powerful ways. Realizing that creating daily miracles in my life simply by learning how to shift my entire thought paradigm instantly elevated my energy and moved me into a sense of authentic empowerment.

So what changed? In realizing that I am a soulful BE-ing having a human BE-ing experience, I shifted out of the external measuring of who I am based on the doing and the comparing of how well I do it. This allowed me to start asking new questions like, “If I am a soulful BE-ing, having a human BE-ing experience, don’t I kind of need to know who I BE?” My new questions sourced from my Internal Guidance System lead me to get curious about the Truth of who I am, who I am becoming, and who I am meant to be. These are soul-level, BE-ing questions that will always lead us to our calling to make a Divine impact while we walk this earth. Ultimately these new questions lead to this very moment. Coaching and writing and teaching to human BE-ings like YOU! Nothing short of miraculous. Truly.

What if instead of wishing someone would sing to you about being a stroll through the Christmas lights, you could get a sense of your own Twinkle Light within? What if you could feel the glow and follow that Light forward in your days? What if manifesting Love, Light, and Miracles were a daily occurrence for you?

Friend, I know how to do this. I know how to live this way. And I want to share that with you. Let’s meet in a Courage Session - it’s complementary and my gift to you! In that one-hour session, miracles can happen. Aha moments are real and I want to help you find yours. Just click the button below to schedule your session.

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Courageously yours,

 Celebrating YOU,

Jill Keuth | Life Coach
Be Courageously You

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