You're OK. We're OK.

Even if it isn’t complete.

Even if you haven’t started it.

Even if you don’t love it.

Even if you don’t even know what "it" is.

You are ok.

You are so ok.

Believe in your ok.ness.

Accept your ok.ness.

And then take the next right step.

The ok in me sees the ok in you.

Brené Brown says the two most powerful words in the English language are “me too.” Pam Grout said something similar - that the two most important words are “it’s ok.” I think they’re saying the same thing: That no matter what you’re going through right now, you’re safe, you’re worthy, you belong. Wherever you are in whatever stage of life, love, or work you’re in, it’s ok. It’s good. And me too. I’ve been there - maybe not exactly the same way, yet with many of the same feelings and an understanding of similar experiences.

How does being ok feel to you? Hit reply and let me know! I’m genuinely interested and would love to hear from you. I hope you have a wonderful week.

With Courage and Ok.ness,

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