Step Into Vitality


My great aunt recently gave my father a photo album filled with sepia photos of our ancestors three and four generations past. With no markings on the backs, we don’t even know their names. I sat there looking into these faces, and it struck me that these humans lived full lives, and then they were gone. And only a few generations later, no one knows them at all. What are their names? What were their personalities, senses of humor, strengths, interests? Who did they love? What did they do? What were their struggles, their triumphs?

In the end, how we live this life is what matters most. People will remember us for how we made them feel and how we affected their lives, yet after a couple of generations, we too will be just a photograph in someone’s album or a name on their family tree.

What in the world are we doing if we aren’t living it to the fullest?  What are we doing if we are focusing on the hard and the struggle? What are we doing if we are living for others’ expectations of us? What are we doing if we are striving to prove ourselves or meet thresholds of success defined by anyone other than ourselves? What are we doing if we aren’t paying attention to the very things that matter most in the world to us? What are we doing if we are not experiencing joy and enthusiasm?

Life is full of uncertainty, and change is a staple. Without hardship, loss, grief, and struggle, we gain zero wisdom.

Wisdom is an incredible Guiding Light, and you have it in spades. Turn toward the Light and ask what it is you are to know? What is it you are to feel? What is it that is waiting for you on the other side of a decision? What is calling you forward?

I don’t know where your Wisdom is calling you, what it is trying to whisper to you, how it is trying to wake you up. What I love about who I am as a coach is that I help open you up to your Infinite Wisdom so that you can discern your next right steps. We are meant to be here in this life to be connected, to feel love, to experience joy and enthusiasm. We are meant to live with vitality. That is our birthright.

Let’s step into this vitality together. Join me for my three-part workshop, Stop Waiting, Start Thriving. This is my favorite workshop I’ve created thus far, and the best part about it, from my perspective, is it facilitates so much transformation without a big financial investment. In fact, I don’t even charge for it because I don’t want finances to be the thing that holds you back from this incredible work. I want to help you lean into your greatness and live in your Infinite Wisdom, and this workshop series is a wonderful place to start. We’ll meet for three Mondays in August, beginning August 16th, and I know it will change how you see yourself and your greatness in the world.

Sign up here:

Cheering You On,
~ jill

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